I asked pointblank, what is this all for?
What is the purpose of all these Frankensteinish experiments taking place in government funded laboratories in the United States really achieving? Why do Fluffy and Mittens have to be tortured throughout their short life? Only to be picked apart in death by malignant narcissists in white lab coats.
Mr. Goodman with a heavy sigh, says,
“…hard to reconcile.”
Justin Goodman, White Coat Waste’s Senior Vice President, took the time to speak with me and I have concluded this much after our talk,
“Not all heroes wear capes.”
In just a short span, I’ve heard a great deal about White Coat Waste and how they were a pivotal part in exposing the viral news story, Beagle Gate. The scandalous, heartbreaking story regarding the abuse of Beagles that took place in government funded laboratories.
Although it would appear as if White Coat Waste just came on the scene, in a manner of speaking. Mr. Goodman fills me in that White Coat Waste has been hard at work defending animals for nearly a decade. They’ve managed to shut down several laboratories and have saved countless rabbits, monkeys and dogs from torturous experiments. Anthony Bellotti, president and founder of White Coat Waste, has been fearlessly advocating for animals as well as taxpayers.
You see, for those of you who may not know, what sets White Coat Waste apart from other organizations is their primarily focus. And that is advocating for animals that are currently being tested on using our taxpayer money.
Why is that important?
Sadly, so many laboratories rely heavily on animal experimentation, but most are privately owned in the United States. On the other hand, the U S of A has been conducting its own experiments for quite some time now (we’re talking decades) and using our money, without our consent.
That’s where Justin Goodman comes in, he spoke with me frankly and didn’t hold back. He educated me quite a bit on the matter.
It was certainly disheartening to listen to him expose the unfortunate truth of it all, but one cannot sugarcoat such tragic realities.
Justin Goodman reveals that these dubious animal experiments have been allowed to partake right under our noses for far too long. He states how these public servants under the guise of researchers, have basically just lined their pockets at the expense of brutalizing animals.
As he puts it,
“This is Big Business, 20 Billion!”
That’s why Justin doesn’t have any qualms about stating,
“My job [is to] put them out of business.”
Mr. Goodman shares his frustration with the lack of transparency, especially when it pertains to the dead-end experiments that are conducted in government funded laboratories.
He goes on to explain in detail, how there is virtually no incentive to even fix a problem.
Think about it, hypothetically speaking, do these scientists even want to cure cancer?
These scientific researchers receive endless grants. They have been funded repeatedly for years.
And what do they have to show for it?
Mr. Goodman points out the obvious,
Justin breaks it down very pragmatically.
Basically, he states that any progress whatsoever would mean, the gravy train would cease to run.
Not only is taxpayer money being distributed to these mad scientists, but it is also being allocated to countless companies that profit off these animals’ misery.
So, who would be affected if the grants would stop?
Well besides researchers, the people in charge of transporting the animals to government laboratories would be affected. People that manufacture torture devices, (cough) I mean medical devices that are used to restrain animals as well as dissect them would also be impacted. In addition, the breeding facilities that exclusively breed dogs for scientific purposes would also take a hit.
So, one must pause and think, are these scientific researchers doing all of this for our betterment? These supposedly elaborate experiments, are they really on the verge of a scientific breakthrough?
I don’t need a degree in science to determine that this is never happening (at least not the way they are conducting experiments).
However, for whatever reason, these researchers are hell-bent on tormenting animals with the hopes of making a discovery that will absolve them of all the evil that they have inflicted on powerless, caged animals.
Alas, this isn’t anything new. Man has been killing animals since the beginning of time. Whether it be for food, sport, overpopulation. You name it, man will think of a reason, and go with it. For most people, not all, but for most, some of those reasons are justified. Hell, even scientific experiments can be justified to an extent, if you think of it.
The problem here lies, is that these experiments cannot be explained away. Purposefully inflicting pain and anguish on animals, is unnecessary and inexcusable.
Evidently, there seems to be a common theme prevalent within the scientific community when dealing with defenseless animals. And the theme appears to be?
Do I sound a bit melodramatic? If only. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case. With experiments such as “The Pit of Despair” (dare to Google if you want to be traumatized) that was conducted in the 1970’s, to current experiments such as the Bleeding Beagles, that was recently bought to light by White Coat Waste. One can’t help but wonder if sadistic sociopaths are working in government funded laboratories. This is cause for great concern. Simply because it really isn’t difficult to provide ethical accommodations to these animals when conducting such heinous experiments. These scientists refuse to do even the bare minimum when it comes to showing a bit of compassion.
I asked Justin to give his take on as to why so many of these experiments are laced with an over abundance of physical and emotional pain for the animals. It almost appears as if anguish is part of the criteria.
Mr. Goodman informs me that regrettably, several of these scientific researchers have been desensitized.
Justin says, it almost appears as if these researchers have been,
Mr. Justin Goodman laments that these so-called intellectuals hide behind the pretense that their actions are a,
“Necessary evil.”
Justin also finds it troublesome how these researchers are so far detached from reality that they look at these living being simply as,
“Disposable lab equipment.”
Mr. Goodman’s description is right on the money when referring to these questionable individuals. And it isn’t a wonder as to why. He’s been advocating for animals, for quite some time.
His respect for animals started early on in life.
During his college years he helped shut down a laboratory at his alma mater, University of Connecticut, that was conducting animal testing.
Naturally, working for White Coat Waste seems to be right up his alley.
He recognizes how most people never get the chance to work at a job they love.
Mr. Goodman expressed to me how,
“The stars aligned for me.”
He affirms,
“[I’m] incredibly proud to be part of White Coat Waste.”
Justin is passionate about helping animals and welcomes the opportunity to stand up for them and be their mouthpiece.
Which is something that thankfully, Mr. Goodman does on a regular basis. He doesn’t shy away from confrontation at all. And many is the time he has had to exchange words with lobbyists who very much support animal testing.
Working from Washington D.C gives Justin the edge to face congress and the representatives that continue to support these medieval practices that are performed on animals.
I asked Mr. Justin Goodman if it is overwhelming or intimating to be right in the center of it all.
He smirks as he acknowledges, that yes, he is in the,
“Belly of the Beast.”
And he wouldn’t have it any other way. Justin makes it clear, that he is up to the challenge. Mr. Goodman informs me on how it is extremely crucial for members of congress to see a person standing before them that encompasses,
A lot of these officials sign off on things as if they were, quite frankly, blindfolded.
Dr. Fauci is a perfect example of someone who appears to be intentionally blindfolded. The horrifying experiments that he has greenlit would make anyone’s jaw drop. Even so, it seems the same can be said of the American public. It has willfully chosen to remain blindfolded as well. Perhaps it might be because, Dr. Anthony Fauci has successfully managed to pull the wool over the entire nation.
Why isn’t there more outrage over the deception that this man has dished out over decades to the American public? I need to know.
Could it be, his rugged good looks? Or the way he carries himself? I know, I know. It must be the way he speaks. Dr. Fauci is such a straightforward, charismatic guy, who doesn’t beat around the bush. O, and that voice of his, how I would love for him to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
Putting sarcasm aside, I can’t help but ponder as to what it is that has so many people in a stupor when it comes to Dr. Fauci.
Mr. Justin Goodman reminds me that just not too long ago, Dr. Fauci was on every television set, iPad, cellphone and every news media outlet attempting to be the voice of reason during the pandemic.
Justin points out that this is something that people are simply going to have to get over and come to terms with. Dr. Fauci is one of the main culprits regarding this government funded debacle that is responsible for countless animals being maimed under the supervision of so-called scientists.
Mr. Goodman says,
“[Dr. Fauci] was the villain. He always has been.”
The NIH seems to have forgotten that they are our employees and that we are not their piggy bank to use up as they wish. For far too long they have been allowed to swim in vast amounts of money (imagine Scrooge McDuck money) and answer to no one. How is that even conceivable? They’ve made it a habit to behave as if they are above the law and can do as they please. We never even gave them consent to do any of these scientific atrocities in the first place.
Let’s be honest, if we knew. If we were properly informed, who would agree to any of this?
That is why transparency is key. The swift decisions that quietly take place behind closed doors in congress needs to be exposed.
Mr. Goodman shares with me regarding government funded animal experimentation,
“[The NIH] can’t convince people it’s humane.”
Justin adds,
“The jig is up. People are sick and tired of being lied to.”
There is power in numbers and that is one of the very things that Justin loves about this cause. That no matter what political affiliation you belong to, this cause supersedes it, and rightfully so.
Justin feels,
“Thrilled that people come together [over this].”
He finds it,
“Motivating [and] trying our darnedest.”
Justin shares with me how he is acutely aware that people have had enough, and no longer wish to be silent accomplices to such violent animal experiments any longer.
One of the many goals of White Coat Waste is to at the very least, put a stop to using taxpayer money. If these scientists don’t have the funds, they clearly cannot continue with their merciless experiments.
Justin scoffs at how ridiculous these researchers are to genuinely believe that Americans have their back. Mr. Goodman assured me that once government funding stops,
“No one in their right mind [will donate money to these experiments].”
Justin is so confident that he mocks the idea by suggesting researchers,
Mr. Goodman points out,
“[There is a] disconnect between science and public opinion.”
Let’s go ahead and do a little probing, shall we. What is this scientific research that these holier than thou government scientists are betting their reputation on? Just what is it that they are doing that they insist on ferociously protecting? Combined with, why do they insist on using our money to aid them in their absurdly scientific endeavors?
Well, for starters, there’s this one experiment of frightening monkeys with plastic spiders and snakes. The experiment was conducted by the massively intelligent Dr. Elisabeth Murray and her staff, that happen to work in the NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Doesn’t sound like a big deal, right?
The experiment was done under the pretense to understand how monkeys behaved with a normal healthy amygdala vs. a scarred amygdala.
Translation: Researchers cut open monkeys’ skulls, and physically made lesions in the monkeys’ amygdala to determine if a damaged amygdala in humans would affect emotional response with elevated levels of stress, such as having what would appear to be a real snake or spider in front of you.
Because remember, they say, they are doing this for us, to better understand why humans tick.
So not only did they physically mutilate these animals, put also added emotional stress to conduct their findings.
And what did they garner off this experiment?
Pretty much the obvious.
The monkeys with the damaged amygdala were not frightened at all. However, the unmutilated monkeys suffered a great deal of stress under the confined circumstances of this experiment. Some recoiled in fear and did not eat as they were so terrified of the spiders and snakes.
I must reiterate, is this really for us? Or are they just trying to accumulate accolades while they play God.
Do these scientists think that the road to winning a Noble prize consists of sawing off monkeys’ nuts?
Apologies for the crudeness, but gimme a break!
What the heck is going on here?
Torturing a million monkeys will still never give you an insight on the complexities of the human brain.
John Wayne Gacy’s brain was thoroughly examined during his autopsy. And the infamous killer’s brain showed no signs of abnormalities, whatsoever! It was actually quite a healthy specimen. That alone should be enough to shut down Dr. Elisabeth Murray’s laboratories. Since her entire legacy, peer reviewed articles, heavily rely on her findings, which consists of how the brain contributes to human responses.
O and in other news, recently it was discovered that the hypothesis of plaque in brain tissue, that supposedly contributed to Alzheimer’s in rats, might be radically incorrect.
Nobel laureate and expert on Alzheimer’s, Thomas C. Südhof has been critical of the NIH. He has stated that NIH has wasted funding and wasted thinking regarding Alzheimer’s in particular. He fears that their findings might be misconstrued by other researchers and used improperly in future experiments.
If science has proven anything, it is that scientific facts, appear to be quite malleable.
This is just but one of the many reasons why we must spread awareness and let people know the shenanigans that are taking place in government funded laboratories. White Coat Waste is certainly doing its part, put we still need to do ours, and tell as many people as we can.
A great deal of people are already aware of the transgressions of the NIH. However, it’s rather shocking that there are still millions of people that are in the dark regarding this stain on America.
The whole nation should know by now. I mean, even Joe Rogan has tweeted about White Coat Waste’s findings, regarding Beagle gate. And from what I’ve heard, that guy has quite a bit of a following. Nevertheless, that still isn’t enough, more people need to know. Everyone needs to know.
Mr. Justin Goodman reiterates as to why it is essential to speak to government officials and make your voices heard.
“We are the ones footing the bill. [It’s] not enough to boycott. Taxes are being used. You can’t boycott taxes!!!! That’s why, speak up!”
Justin knows these government funded scientists will have to deal with the ramifications of their decisions.
Mr. Goodman anticipates that one day it will finally dawn on them, how they chose to be on the,
“Wrong side of history.”
Till that day arrives, Justin will continue to be at the forefront, and do his part to make this world a better place for all living beings.
If you’d like to know more information and learn how you can do your part as well.
GO TO: whitecoatwaste.org